February 23, 2025
I am channel surfing for hope these days. Last week, I dug out a book my wonderful longtime book editor, Stephanie Hitchcock, recommended years ago when we first started working together on my first book, The Person You Mean To Be. That book is Hope in the Dark, a compact little volume by Rebecca Solnit. I don’t know Solnit but I tried to imagine me awkwardly nudging her to say something, well, hopeful. With a little help from ChatGPT, here is scripted dialogue from a crossover episode featuring me and Solnit.
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What’s Giving Me Joy Right Now→
/December 15, 2024
It’s time for the most popular Dear Good People issue of the year, packed with end-of-year pick-me-ups to help us keep fighting the good-ish fight. Long time readers loved the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Joy Issues! The 2024 JOY ISSUE is back (with some fan favorites from past issues sprinkled in). ENJOY.
27 New Books→
/October 27, 2024
Here we are in the next semi-annual Dear Good People book issue and the piles just keep growing! I've got plenty of new book releases to tell you about, many by or recommended by my fellow behavioral scientists or my amazing literary agent, Leila Campoli. Have I read them all? Oh gosh, hardly. Will I read them all? Doubtful! Still, I love celebrating and sharing what's new.
4 Things I Learned in the Past Year→
/September 29, 2024
I worked really hard this past year but in a different, less structured way than I am used to. I stretched myself and I am so excited about my learning and growth. Here are some highlights of my 2023-2024 sabbatical, including many of the experts, courses, and video tutorials that I have been learning from.
I Bet I Have More Of These Than You Do→
/May 29, 2024
Since I was a teenager, I have loved magazines and newspapers.
I still get my New York Times in print edition and subscribe to more print magazines that I can read each week.
And, when I travel, local magazines and newspapers are still my favorite souvenir and I am a sucker for free magazines in airport lounges (bewarned, they are not as light as they appear).
I'm Not Crying, You're Crying→
/April 28, 2024
When I was a kid and even as a young adult, I was a crier. Happy tears when I won at dodgeball. Sad tears when I was picked last in gym class (hello, did they not see my dodgeball prowess?). Sentimental tears when I watched Coca Cola commercials.
What I'm Reading →
/March 31, 2024
If a comfy living room with snacks/tea/wine had a baby with an amazing bookstore, it would be a magical place called Bibliotheque.
Which is why Bibliotheque is my new favorite place in New York City.
Plus, it gives me an absurd amount of joy that something that has gone tik-tok viral is authentically aligned with my book geek / inner couch potato self. Finally!
What Babies Teach Us About Psychological Safety in Meetings→
/February 25, 2024
Psychological safety is the belief that you can take the risks of learning from failure or risking failure. Like, admitting a mistake, asking a question when you are confused, expressing a different perspective, trying something new, or making a suggestion. These are the kinds of behaviors that require an inclusive culture. Those kind of interpersonal risks are scary in many groups and organizations. And they don’t happen in junk drawer meetings. They require more intentional choices.
My Online Dating Picture→
/December 14, 2023
Maybe sparkles are underrated? Maybe sparkles are an act of courage, a defiant long odds bet that something can shine through the darkness of today’s world. Which is all to say, it’s time for the most popular Dear Good People issue of the year, packed with end-of-year pick-me-ups to help us keep fighting the good-ish fight. Long time readers loved the December 2021 Joy Issue and the December 2022 Pep Talk Issue. Welcome to the December 2023 SPARKLE Issue. Enjoy the Spirit, Possibility, Awe, Rejoicing, “Kourage,” Laughter, and Elevation of these eight sparkly moments!
Movie Recommendation→
/November 30, 2023
My first substantive encounter with the word “intersex” came up when I had the pleasure of meeting accomplished journalist turned documentary filmmaker Julie Cohen at a social gathering. Cohen co-directed the Academy Award nominated film RBG. Cohen described her latest film, EVERY BODY, about the experiences of intersex people.
Embarrassing Your Kid 101→
/September 30, 2023
Our Class of 2023 daughter applied to college just months before the June 29, 2023 Supreme Court ruling outlawed race-conscious college admissions while our Class of 2024 daughter is applying just months after. While I am FAR from an expert, here is what I currently do (and do not) understand about the impact of the Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action.
Have You Hung Out With Mick Jagger?→
/August 27, 2023
I try to help others (and myself) see not just what they expect to see but what is right in front of them and hard to see, like when … men see women interrupted or white people see colleagues of color overlooked or people who are not in wheelchairs notice the desks are too close or straight people see how much humor is homophobic and ... these are all examples of when we get better at seeing what is in front of us. If we can see more and be open to growing when we miss things, we are on the road to being what I call a good-ish person.
I Never Thought I Would Say This→
/July 30, 2023
You know that feeling when you miss the fun party or sold out concert or the whole Barbie movie thing? Yes, FOMO “fear of missing out” is real. Before we go any further, here are words I never imagined I would type. See the Barbie movie. Yes, this is coming from a lifelong Barbie hater. Go in knowing as little as possible other than trust me, if you like Dear Good People, I suspect you will like the movie. Avoid FOMO on this one.
Five Ways You Should NOT Honor Juneteenth→
/June 16, 2023
You may find yourself reflecting on the day. Many of us grapple with what Ta-Nehisi Coates calls “patriotism a la carte.” That’s why this month’s issue of Dear Good People is coming to you early. It’s a greatest hits issue, bringing back the June 2021 Dear Good People issue on Juneteenth, which elicited a very positive and reflective response from readers.
34 New Books I Am Excited About→
/May 21, 2023
What if we all looked at the world we live in as if we were immigrants trying to figure out a new place (with that new place actually being the place we think we already know)? We might read more stories about people different than us and delve into knowledge we don’t organically have access to. So, that’s my challenge for myself and for you: What if we all read like we were new here? So, from this little Indian-American girl who has yet to return to Earth from a heady trip to the White House, here is the Dear Good People mid-year book buzz issue. It is packed with so many new books that I am excited to read. I hope you find one — or many — that help you decode the “new” world we live in.
5 Reasons I Believe in Second Chances→
/April 30, 2023
Recently, I attended the Second Chance Employment conference co-hosted by the Tamer Center at Columbia University. Over 650,000 people are released from prison each year; after one year, 60 percent of these returning citizens remain unemployed. Those who are working have low-wage jobs. Here are 5 reasons why we want to think intentionally about second chance employment.
6 Ah-Hah Moments at SXSW→
/March 26, 2023
I was delighted to be invited to be a Featured Speaker and do a book signing at SXSW which is … gulp … a big deal. As I soaked up the experience, I was on the look out for ah-hah moments that Dear Good People readers might appreciate about being the inclusive person you mean to be. There were many! Here are six ah-hah moments I really loved.
My Parking Lot Meltdown→
/February 26, 2023
In talks and podcasts, I have told people, hundreds of times, that an important step they can take towards being more inclusive is to diversify the content they consume, whether it’s social media, books, podcasts, movies, music, tv, or video games. Broaden the menu. We start by looking about the content we have consumed over the last month. What has our consumption been like? When you look at the voices that are centered, how similar are they to each other? And to your own? Imagine making your content consumption 10% more diverse. This isn’t requiring you to do anything new, just keep consuming what you love consuming, but make it a bit more interesting.
My Favorite Dolly→
/January 29, 2023
GUESS WHAT. American Girl’s 2023 Girl of the Year is Kavika “Kavi” Sharma, an Indian-American girl from New Jersey that loves Broadway. That’s literally me. I could never have imagined this as a child. Dolls didn’t look like me. Did they look like you? If they did, did you have dolls that looked like other kids? This is a big deal.